Features that make selling easy.

GetHealthy Store Features & Integrations

  • Learning Management Software

    Organize your courses and bundle with products with the click of a button. New to creating courses? No problem, the thinkific tool makes it easy to create courses that sell and build communities.

  • Downloadable Digital Products

    Optimize your patients' wellness journey with on-demand digital content that serves as an extension of your practice care. Bundle digital content like ebooks, recipe books and more with courses, products and services for a simplified purchase experience and improved compliance.

  • Your One-Stop Shop to Access All Your Testing Needs

    Connect Evexia Diagnostics’ catalog of 2000+ lab panels (including ZRT, Dutch, list a few) to your GetHealthy dispensary tool for direct access to advanced diagnostic tests, and more. Recommend test panels and any other services, supplements, products or courses with ease.

  • Expert Marketing Service Support

    Boost the business of your practice and optimize your marketing efforts with GetHealthy's Marketing Services. As a GetHealthy account holder, through our partnership with EngageSimply, you have exclusive access to curated industry specific marketing packages, tailored for a practitioner's business to improve growth, while freeing up your valuable time.

  • Optimized Checkout Experience

    With our cutting-edge platform, we prioritize seamless transactions through our optimized checkout features. From the convenience of wallet payments to flexible buy now pay later options, we ensure that every purchase process is tailored to meet the needs of both patients and practitioners alike.

  • Optimized Dispensary Scripting Tool

    Experience optimized efficiency with our optimized Dispensary Scripting Tool, boasting fast load times, search precision, and advanced filtering options. With streamlined navigation and access to a comprehensive range of wellness products, your product recommendations have never been more accurate or efficient.

  • Share One

    Video Testimonials Done for You

    Share One works with your clients directly to create the highest quality testimonials to live on your store. Increase your credibility and boost sales.

  • Daily Supplement Pouches from Vitaboom

    Vitaboom makes it easy to deliver personalized daily supplement protocols in convenient, travel-friendly pouches—now seamlessly integrated into your GetHealthy store. Effortlessly mix and match brands in your custom-branded pill pack boxes, reinforcing your practice’s identity with every order.