Combine your courses with supporting products and programs for improved compliance and results.

Bundle Offers

Simplify Business Management

Keep better track of your sales from both product and courses in one central hub.

Include links to your store and course content on your practice website and social channels.

Connect Your Community

What is Thinkific?

Thinkific is a learning management software (LMS)  platform that enables you to turn your expertise into an online course you can sell. One single platform to create, market, sell, and deliver your own online courses.

  • Easily package and share your educational content with clients, patients or students — on their schedule and preferred device.

  • Build your business with a collaborative learning experience created and controlled by you, that your audience can access anywhere, anytime, on any device. 

YOUR brand, owned by YOU but managed by US

360 full-service practice and online business operational support to allow you to do what you do best, treat your clients and patients.