Harnessing Bioenergetics for Improved Health

Bioenergetics is an emerging health discipline that focuses on the body's energy systems. This guide explores the core concepts and theory of bioenergetics, as well as how these innovations can be integrated into a wellness practice.

Exploring Bioenergetics: Definition and Core Principles

Bioenergetics is the study of energy in living systems. It operates on two foundational principles: restoring the body’s energy, and optimizing the body’s energetic control system for accurate and efficient use of its energy. As an example, healthy cells typically maintain a negative membrane potential of -70 to -90 millivolts, and as this negative potential drops, it can indicate disease. So we need to ensure a proper charge to the body, and use of that charge.

The Human Body-Field: the Underlying Theory

Like everything else, the body is made of energy, which means that every part of the body generates energy fields. We can speak about the fields of individual cells, entire organs or systems, or even the body as a whole, referred to as the “human body-field.” 

Individual fields are given more specific names, based on their purpose within the body. Driver fields relate to the overall power of the system. Integrator fields relate to wireless communication via resonance, and these are closely related to the meridians of traditional Chinese medicine. Terrain fields are another form of communication related to defense and healing processes.

This body-field acts in a sense as the power and software of the body, driving the activity of all the body’s biochemical activity. While some health issues may stem from the lack of certain nutrients, many stem from fault instructions or use of those nutrients, making the body-field a core consideration in 21st century health.

A healthy body-field can be disrupted by toxins and physical trauma, but also by emotional events and other fields (e.g., from electronics, natural fields distorted by waterways and faults, or even a misalignment with Earth’s own fields). So bioenergetics theory takes into account everything from diet and lifestyle to emotions, always considering their impact on the body-field and how to strengthen or correct that field by introducing relevant frequencies into the body.

Integrating Bioenergetics into a Wellness Practice

There are several ways to integrate bioenergetics into a wellness practice. Here are some of the key options:

Bioenergetic Voice Scans

A bioenergetic voice scan analyzes the state of the body-field, taking into account the various fields discussed above as well as the impact of Earth fields, emotional events, toxins, and nutrition. It takes just seconds to provide insights across hundreds of data points, helping a practitioner to see priority needs at a glance, opening clinical conversations, and pointing to deeper patterns as well.


Infoceuticals are bioenergetic remedies that can be delivered via liquid or technology. They carry the resonant frequencies meant to be present in a healthy body, but that start getting drowned out when disorder sets into the body. In truth, these are not conventional frequencies measured in Hertz, but complex frequency patterns representing the different cells and systems of the body. They’re designed to restore the natural cellular signaling present in good health.

Used clinically around the world since 2002, Infoceuticals are backed by a number of clinical studies, and in the last couple of years have undergone pre-clinical research in university settings. Studies conducted at the University of San Diego, for instance, have shown cellular reactions to Infoceuticals that included more efficient ATP production, a reduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and defense against viral penetration into a cell.

miHealth Device

The miHealth is a handheld bioelectric device combining adaptive microcurrent, pulsed electromagnetic frequency (PEMF) therapy, and photobiomodulation with technology-based Infoceutical delivery. The device has hundreds of settings to address the spectrum of health and wellness needs, and incorporates exclusive pulse reading technology with relevant support for organs needing balance.

Wearable Applications

Wearable devices that detect and manage energy and emotions are another development in bioenergetics. They include assessments found in other wearables, then go beyond them with exclusive assessment and correction technologies inspired by the principles of traditional Chinese medicine.

Success Stories

Beyond their continued success in active health clinics, the effectiveness of bioenergetic technologies is illustrated by success stories across the years. For example, a dog with Addison's disease showed improvement using the miHealth device, while a patient with severe and spreading psoriasis halted its spread within weeks of combined miHealth and Infoceutical treatments, and had full remission in a matter of months.

Education and Training for Practitioners

All these tools can be accessed via Energy4Life and come with extensive training and support for practitioners. While initial training can have a health pro using these tools under 2 hours, deep certification training is available alongside ongoing live webinars and private networking with the educational team and other professionals.

Coming soon to GetHealthy!


Bioenergetics presents a new approach to health and wellness, focusing on the optimization of the body’s energy systems. For more information on bioenergetics and the latest advancements in this field, watch the webinar with bioenergetics expert Harry Massey here.

Courtney Belle

Courtney is the Marketing Director for GetHealthy.store. She has a Masters in Neuroscience & Education from Columbia University, and her background is in design and education. She believes in Marketing for Good, and loves GetHealthy because, at the core, it’s making our world a better, healthier place to live.


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